Sunday 19 September 2010


Hazcom Hazard Communication Sheet

Colourless to grey crystals; m.p. decomposes at 444oC. Soluble in water.
CAS: 7761-88-8.
UN number: 1493.

Download HazCom Sheet .PDF of 'Silver Nitrate' by visiting Risk Assessment Services

Download HazCom Sheet .PDF of 'Silver Nitrate' by visiting Risk Assessment Services

Nickel ii Oxide

Nickel ii Oxide
Hazcom Hazard Communication Sheet

Green-black crystals; m.p. 1984oC. Insoluble in water.
CAS: 1313-99-1.

Download HazCom Sheet .PDF of 'Silver Nitrate' by visiting Risk Assessment Services

Nitric Acid 5-20%

Nitric Acid 5-20%
Hazcom Hazard Communication Sheet

Colourless to yellowish-brown liquid with a pungent odour.
CAS: 7697-37-2.
UN number: 2031.

Download HazCom Sheet .PDF of 'Silver Nitrate' by visiting Risk Assessment Services

Nitric Acid 20-70%

Nitric Acid 20-70%
Hazcom Hazard Communication Sheet

Colourless to yellowish-brown liquid with a pungent odour; m.p.- »40oC; b.p. »120oC.
CAS: 7697-37-2.
UN number: 2031.

Download HazCom Sheet .PDF of 'Silver Nitrate' by visiting Risk Assessment Services

Nitric Acid 70%

70%">Nitric Acid >70%
Hazcom Hazard Communication Sheet

Colourless to yellowish-brown liquid with a pungent odour; m.p.-42oC; b.p. 83oC
(100% nitric acid).
CAS: 7697-37-2.
UN number: 2032.

Download HazCom Sheet .PDF of 'Silver Nitrate' by visiting Risk Assessment Services


Hazcom Hazard Communication Sheet

Colourless gas with an irritating odour at high concentrations; m.p. -118oC; b.p. 8oC.
Reacts with water.
CAS: 75-44-5.
UN number: 1076.

Download HazCom Sheet .PDF of 'Silver Nitrate' by visiting Risk Assessment Services

Potassium Nitrate

Potassium Nitrate
Hazcom Hazard Communication Sheet

White crystals or powder; m.p. 334oC; b.p.-decomposes at 400oC.
Soluble in water.
CAS: 7757-79-1.
UN number: 1486.

Download HazCom Sheet .PDF of 'Silver Nitrate' by visiting Risk Assessment Services


Hazcom Hazard Communication Sheet

White powder. A naturally occurring toxin found in caster beans. CAS: 9009-86-3.

Download HazCom Sheet .PDF of 'Silver Nitrate' by visiting Risk Assessment Services

Selenium Sulphide

Selenium Sulphide
Hazcom Hazard Communication Sheet

Orange-yellow crystals; m.p. 110oC; b.p. decomposes at »120oC.
CAS: 7488-56-4. UN number: 2657.

Download HazCom Sheet .PDF of 'Silver Nitrate' by visiting Risk Assessment Services